
i have activity monitor open a lot more since i've upgraded to snow leopard. apparently i was supposed to buy more RAM with this upgrade.

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  • Tell me if it's worth it. Thinking of upgrading to snow too!

    Tom Elliott posted

  • for the most part it's worth it. lots of little awesome improvements... but it definitely uses more memory - especially safari 4. for some reason safari 4 seems like more of a hog on snow leopard than it did on regular leopard. weird.

    some things i've noticed that are better: finder, 64bit support, contact syncing, calendar syncing, ability to capture and edit video with quicktime x.

    ...that's about all i can think of. i think i'm just gonna grab some more ram for my machines. i'm sure they'll figure out some better memory management soon, but ram is cheap...

    Derek Brooks posted

  • Better management? What, you want a gig sitting around doing nothing? Good memory management is using as much memory as possible without swapping/paging.

    Todd Makinster posted

  • yeah, except that it swaps all the time. but my pageouts are usually as high or higher than my pageins...

    maybe i dont know what i'm talking about, but i'm pretty sure that means i'm reading from the disk a whole hell of a lot and that doubling my ram would help.

    Derek Brooks posted

  • Ok, if you're swapping that is bad...Chrome, here you come!

    Todd Makinster posted

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