
my 3 month old nephew is havin noggin surgery. thoughts n prayers! RT @chrisemmitt In waiting room. Surgery delayed. Minutes seem like hours

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  • Prayers on their way.

    Mary McAdams posted

  • Aww what's wrong with the little guy? Hope everything goes well. In our thoughts.

    Mary Gillette posted

  • sagittal craniosynostosis - which is a long name for two of the growth plates in his head fused prematurely. the surgery is to remove the part of his skull that fused.

    Derek Brooks posted

  • Sounds very serious otherwise they wouldn't be operating. I couldn't imagine the bundle of nerves his mom and dad most be going through. Good luck!! :)

    Mary Gillette posted

  • wow. we will be praying for him. i hope the surgery goes well and that he heals fast!

    Amy Larson posted

  • Keep us updated! My thoughts and ((multiple)) prayers are with ALL of you today!

    Tracy Stepp Neighbors posted

  • Many prayers sent your way for you and all of your family!!!

    Trish Engebretson Hartman posted

twitter comments

  • good luck to the little man!

    whippltren posted

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