
I am about to throw my g1 out the window. If the iphone was better at syncing up with gmail and gcal I would switch.

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  • It works fine for me, man. Push gmail, even

    mikeharper posted

  • we should go office space on it!!

    reddhed posted

  • dude, gimme the battery before it goes out the window, haha

    lucky33 posted

  • @lucky33 I'm not sure which tweet says more, @broox's or your battery one.. probably the battery one

    mikeharper posted

  • using imap the native mail app? What about calendars?

    broox posted

  • @broox listen to Richard Cheese - Ice Ice Baby on @hypem

    reddhed posted

  • Google has Exchange push support for calendars and email. Occasionally glitchy, but I have had no bugs in the last couple months.

    mikeharper posted

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