
naming a dog is hard, ha. we apparently keep his current name of "joey" cause it's one of kari's ex-bf's names. wtf.

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  • It took me awhile to pick a name for my Komondor. I feel like the name has to fit the animal. I knew for months I was getting him and didn't decide on his name until the day we brought him home.

    Kellypaul Krantz Forlife posted

  • walter

    Jonathon Smithson posted

  • Can't keep*

    Derek Brooks posted

  • Norman

    Shannon Peters posted

  • Give him a title like, "Drogbar the Gopher Slayer."

    Andy Mead posted

  • Shark. Or Jag. Maybe Smores. How about Janet? Or Lunchbox. Juan. Thrash. Pearl. Axel. Sam. Kinnick. I like Shark. :-)

    Becky Curry posted

  • Dr. Rustin Fordham.

    Craig O'Brien posted

  • Mr Death!!! Or Tron are great choices!!

    Henson Robinson posted

  • JoHay

    Josh Lueck posted

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