
first day in the kennel cam:

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  • aaawww puppy jail looks so sad :(

    Dana Miller-mcgaffey posted

twitter comments

  • Nice... seems pretty chill. Have you decided on a name yet?

    KevinSwitzer posted

  • he looks so small!

    JulieSwitzer posted

  • oh I love it!! I want a camera to watch lilly! Can't wait to meet the new member!

    tdroll posted

  • nope, no name yet. the list is pretty long... sergeant wiggles, forrest gump, captain ron, garth brooks, etc.

    broox posted

  • I'm voting for Garth. haha

    KevinSwitzer posted

  • i vote for garth!

    ibcheerful posted

  • I go for capt. Ron

    effeblack posted

  • @broox @KevinSwitzer yep! I'm voting for Garth too!!

    breannaemmitt posted comments

  • I liked Bo Jackson

    Drea posted