
Doin my little kooky dance! The government just forgave $17,500 of wifey's student loans.

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  • SCHWAT? Amazing!

    Allie Peters posted

  • Is that a teacher thing or can I try to have Shannon get in on that action. She needs some relief and I would appreciate that too!

    Allie Peters posted

  • so amazing!

    do some research in arizona. iowa has this thing that fits a pretty small set of teachers that kari happened to fit into. she basically had to be a highly qualified special ed teacher in low income districts for 5 years and owe more than a certain amount.

    Derek Brooks posted

  • Wow. Amazing. I guess Shan probably has checked for AZ. That is so great for you guys! CONGRATS!

    Allie Peters posted

  • Awesome deal!!

    Mary Gillette posted

  • oh nice!! I wish i could get in on that deal!!!

    Amy Larson posted

  • That reminds me to file mine. I have it all ready to go, but need to send it in! Allie... It is a federal program:

    Stacy Denham posted

  • Is it just for teachers?

    Allie Peters posted

  • If you're in healthcare they forgive some loans.

    Mary Gillette posted

twitter comments

  • nice!

    detour1999 posted

  • do you feel like you won the lottery? I would

    keithaobrien posted

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