
I do not accept Facebook friend requests from babies. Your infant does not need a Facebook account.

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facebook comments

  • I'll second that

    Nick Moore posted

  • That is very ridiculous. I'm an adult and I don't even think I need a facebook page.

    Mary Gillette posted

  • hahahahahahahahahahahahaha that just made my knees wiggle

    Lindsey Bloomquist posted

twitter comments

  • I agree wholeheartedly.

    KevinSwitzer posted

  • I just busted out laughing at this...

    tdroll posted

  • The real reason I created the account is because I'm tired of being tagged in photos that I'm not in. Now people can tag Nate.

    KevinSwitzer posted

  • OK, that is a decent reason. But I am still not accepting that request. ;)

    broox posted

  • @broox @kevinswitzer I'm not exactly sure what the definition of "emo" is, but I'm pretty sure it has something to do w/ your relationship.

    breannaemmitt posted

  • Yeah? Yeah? Well you're a weiner.

    broox posted

  • @breannaemmitt I love me some @broox ((huggles))

    KevinSwitzer posted

  • that's ok. :)

    KevinSwitzer posted

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