
In retrospect, @smartypig may not have been the best place to put my emergency funds. Turns out, most emergencies don't give 3 days notice.

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  • With ING you can get a debit card and just use that. That's what I have.

    Nathan Deutmeyer posted

  • yea, but smartypig's interest rate is better. and i dont really want a debit card to my savings.

    Derek Brooks posted

twitter comments

  • @broox NO CRAP! @smartypig can cut you a break... but still takes another 2 days to get the funds! not including weekends!

    ibcheerful posted

  • @ibcheerful eh, it's my own fault... I knew about their 3-day thing, but I got it taken care of. cc: @smartypig

    broox posted

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