80/35 tags

Here's a summary of the 535 things that I've tagged 80/35 on this site.

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  • 80/35 - Gremlin
  • 80/35 - Killer Mike
  • 80/35 - Hangin with the Dianas
  • 80/35 - Fannin off
  • 80/35 - Kari and her japanese fan
  • 80/35 - Killer Mike party

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80/35 at Waterworks Park

This was my 10th 80/35 music fest, and the first year that it didn't take place in downtown Des Moines. The venue change received a ton of pushback from locals and leadership stepped down... but the Des Moines Music Coalition and volunteers did what they could to make the fest happen. I just wanted to share my experience… To start off, I only knew 3 artists on the lineup, but one of my favorite things about this festival is discovering someone new. 80/35 has always impressed me by curating interesting, fun low-to-mid level artists that I never would have experienced otherwise... read more

My 2009 80/35 Music Fest Thoughts

I meant to blog about this year's 80/35 festival a lot sooner but never got around to it. For those that don't know - Des Moines started a music festival last year called 80/35. It showcases both big names and local groups in an effort to listen to awesome music, party, and promote music culture in the Des Moines area. Last year I was super impressed with the festival - We had the Flaming Lips, The Roots, and an amazing effort put on by the organizers. I don't want to discount the organizers this year, because it is obvious that they worked crazy hard again... read more