beer tags

Here's a summary of the 1,114 things that I've tagged beer on this site.

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  • beer - It’s Friday
  • beer - Friends enjoying a beverage
  • beer - Craft Beer Tent
  • beer - BEER
  • beer - First order of business: pork chops and pickle beers
  • beer - Tom takes the 3 drink rule to another level

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Sometime after I started at Pioneer, some co-workers and I visited this small (smoke free) bar in Johnston called The cAb. The cAb had this contest that if you put your business card in this bowl you could be drawn for the After Work Club. We all put our cards in, and almost all of us won. This club entitled us to 1 free drink per day for the year of 2004, so we decided, that we would attempt to sample every beer (~70) and rate them. Since I was a late bloomer in actually enjoying beer, I decided this would be good for me... read more
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