Here's a summary of the 39 things that I've tagged Jason Reiter on this site.
One time back in 2001 I decided to go snowboarding with Jason Reiter. Prior to that, besides backyard snowboarding, I had only been snowboarding on a resort once. Some extended family of mine own a small ski resort in Illinois (Snow Star). Every year the resort would be closed on Christmas Day, however, they'd invite a bunch of family and close friends out for a Christmas potluck and day of skiing/snowboarding/sledding. So needless to say, I got pretty decent at skiing as a kid... read more
So after driving 40 MPH for 45 minutes on the interstate and then through 1 foot deep water, I'm back from Colorado. It was a really good time which leads to quite a bit to talk about, but I'll try to sum it up... On Friday I met up with Jason and a bunch of other guys for his bachelor party. We started out with a BBQ (where I ate the best marinated/grilled tenderloin that I think I will ever eat in my life). Then we piled into the 20 person Excursion and did a bar crawl around Denver... read more