MS tags

Here's a summary of the 237 things that I've tagged MS on this site.

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  • MS - Bloody Mary pit stop…
  • MS - MS Walk Des Moines
  • MS - MS Walking with this girl
  • MS - MS Walk
  • MS - Kari is wearing heels. Big ones.
  • MS - When Kari was diagnosed with MS, she thought that she'd never wear heels again... she had apparen...

Latest blog entries

The strongest woman I know

10 years ago, Kari and I were visiting Chicago during one of her fall breaks. I was there to work with my startup cofounders and she was there to hang out, shop, and enjoy our favorite city. We got in late, ordered pizza from one of our favorite spots, and then crashed at an Air BnB. The next morning, Kari woke up unable to control the entire left side of her body. Being young, naive, and frankly stupid, we (I) thought that maybe she slept weird... read more
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