Here's a summary of the 112 things that I've tagged Texas on this site.
This past weekend, Kari and I flew down to Texas to visit my sister and Chris. We've never really hung out with just the 2 before, so it was nice to finally get to visit - just us. And as an extra bonus - travel was crazy smooth. NWA didn't charge us for checking bags (in fact we could've each checked an extra bag if we wanted), plus we got free sodas, and 1 of our flights even landed 30 minutes early, nice! So anyway, we got into San Antonio late Thursday said some words, then we all basically crashed... read more
ok. this is the most messed up, no-sense making trip ever. seriously, i am so baffled by it that i had to blog it, haha. kevi's gf is flying up here from florida and kevi is picking her up from the airport. this is where normality stops... read more