The Hamster posted

So nick was telling this story at lunch about how he saw a hamster in the Pioneer parking lot - which is pretty hilarious. But while he was telling the story I started thinking about the word hamster, haha. I mean seriously, hamster, hahaha. It rules so much. Like someone that loves beef might be called a beefster. Which is now what we've dubbed Rico.

Man, I love the word hamster.

In other news, the weekend was sort of lame. I got some stuff done on the home theater room, went to Down Under, Tonic, and Taki, snowboarded a bit, got snowed in from going to see DJ Swamp, bottled beer, and brewed a new batch of beer. ...So actually the weekend wasn't really that lame, but getting snowed in from Swamp sucked.


  • "Dad, I think I'm going to stop doing hamster style."

    ben posted

  • derek: think about the word hamster

    derek: and how much it rules

    lindsey: hahahahahahahahahahahaha

    derek: seriously

    derek: cows should be called beefsters


    lindsey: i think you should start calling little kids hamsters

    lindsey: lambs are porksters

    derek: no

    derek: because

    derek: pork comes from a pig

    lindsey: lambchopsters

    derek: haha

    lindsey: anything that we eat should end in 'ster"...hamster, turkeyster

    lindsey: lobster

    lindsey: i guess some things dont change.

    derek posted