Blog archives

A collection of all the nonsense I've posted to the internet over the past 25 years of my blog life

  • Kraus and Saint Louis posted - 2 comments

    Wow, what a weird day. It looks like Kraus (aka krausburger aka santa kraus) is leaving Pioneer to join the family business. The punk already bought a house down there on the water with a jetski lift... wtf? That'll be friggin awesome... read more

  • My friends have websites posted - 2 comments

    So, I'm starting to get a lot of friends with web sites, which kinda sucks because I've maxed out the space that I left for my friends' names above the friends link on the header. I added Dave Conger and Nehru Cheddie to the list, so check out their sites. Nehru is a guy I work with and fellow car enthusiast and Dave is a dude I know from my Soaping web sites and through short films, etc. Also, if you actually click the friends link, you can see some news from my buddies' sites... that is, IF they have an RSS feed... read more

  • Wedding, Heelys, Chad Ginsburg, Lameness posted - 6 comments

    This weekend I went to Mount Vernon for Kari's friend's (Morgan) wedding. Kari made me go to the rehearsal which was sooooo lame. I left halfway through and went to the mall. Then on saturday we went to the wedding. Let me just say that I am definitely not ready to get married... read more

  • Today is the Happiest Day! I heart Minnis and Clone Maxx. posted - 10 comments

    As most of you know (due to my mood and constant whining) I lost my 120gig Hard Drive 2 weeks ago (pictures, videos, professional work, etc). We tried everything that we could think of to get the data back. Minnis helped me a lot through the whole process. I'd pretty much lost all hope, nothing we tried would recover my files. Well yesterday we started this program called Clone Maxx to try to copy all data from one HD to another HD... read more

  • Minneapolis posted - 6 comments

    This weekend Nathan and I went to Minneapolis for a couple Heely demos. For the most part it was pretty fun, but it was also sort of annoying. The roads around the Twin Cities suck... bad. Seriously, 35w does not mean 35 west, wtf... read more

  • Light at the end of the Maxtor tunnel posted - 4 comments

    So I had this hard drive crash... here are the earlier details. First of all, Minnis rules. He's been trying a bunch of things with my HD today that I haven't thought of. After being unsuccessful with Knoppix and the linux box, we dropped it into a win2k machine and ran powermax, which is some diagnostic software that maxtor put out... read more

  • I Hate Apple, and their B.S. iPod. posted - 7 comments

    Apple put out this insanely awesome mp3 player called an "iPod." I bought this brilliant device last June. It is so handy because you can put hours and hours of music on it and take it anywhere. I took it skating, I took it to work, I plugged it into my stereo at home, etc. It also rules when you start to come to the conclusion that this dope device is the reason for a sh*tload of data loss. For example, that HD of mine that crashed last week... read more

  • Kevi and I made national TV posted - 6 comments

    About a month ago ABC's Good Morning America advertised a "Cool Cubicle Challenge" that encouraged people to send in short videos of their cubicles. Basically you were supposed to show them why your cubicle is fun/cool. Obviously, Kevin and I jumped on the idea. We have pretty cool cubes, it was a chance to get on national TV, and we like to make videos. First I went to Cedar Rapids and helped Kevi film his video, which turned out dope after the editing... read more

  • Double Click, Incorrect Function. = Worst feeling ever posted - 10 comments

    Lately I've been really heavy into organizing and backing up all my pictures and video. I recently bought a fireproof safe to keep miniDV tapes and picture CDs in. I also have copies of most picture CDs at work. Last week I even went and had all of my old advantix film rolls converted to CDs (22 rolls - $120). Then, over the course of an evening I organized them all into folders in chronological order on my PC (just like all my other pics are organized)... read more

  • Comedy Club, Cornell Gala, and my Stupid Clie posted - 9 comments

    This weekend was pretty laid back, booo. Friday night, Jason, Jodi, Nathan, Andy and I went to the Funny Bone. The comedian was pretty good... he offended a lot of people, which is awesome... "racism is gay" haha... read more

  • Chicago again posted - 2 comments

    Nordstrom department stores started selling heely's which is a big deal because that's a huge account for us to get. So HSL asked if I would be willing to go to Chicago to do a couple Demos at the stores up there. I was orginally supposed to meet Zach and Aaron there to do demos, but they couldn't make it. So instead, Kari went with me, and I did the demos by myself. Anyway, Chicago was really fun again... read more

  • Chicago and Harper posted - 1 comment

    10:09|<xy_goat> all you gotta do is start linking to some blogs 10:09|<xy_goat> like in a post be like "harper sucks" and link to me I'm going to see this suck-face this weekend. plus i'm doing demos for heely's. it'll be fun. read more

  • Kill Hannah AND H.I.M. posted - 9 comments

    Kill Hannah and HIM are touring together, which rules so much. I want to go to one the shows soooo bad. Kari and I can get plane tickets pretty easily, so we were even considering flying to NY, LA, or even Philadelphia to see them together. But every stop on the tour is on a bad date. I'm either doing demos, working, or going to weddings... read more

  • Updated Pictures posted - 2 comments

    I wrote a new picture system for the site. It's pretty dope. All I really have to do now is put pictures into the folders and it automatically parses through them and prints them all out. It doesn't use a database or anything. If you hover over the thumbnails they change to color too, w00t... read more

  • Tesla Concert posted - 7 comments

    Kevin got some tickets to go to the Tesla show in Des Moines tonight. However, the person he was going with sold out, so I decided that I'd go to the concert with him. ...Holy 80s. Everyone there was seriously stuck in the 80s (MAYBE early 90s). Kevin and I were within the youngest 3% there... read more

  • Pizza is really really good for you posted - 9 comments

    So, tonight I ordered a 14" Sausage/Mushroom pizza from Papa John's. I was pretty hungry, so I ended up eating 4 pieces. But a 14" pizza isn't that big... so that's actually not that much. Anyway, afterwards I was curious as to how bad for you pizza is... read more

  • The Green Room posted - 4 comments

    Last night after work, I drove to Mount Vernon (2 hour drive) to meet Kari and Steph. Then we drove to the Green Room in Iowa City to see Heiruspecs and my friend Luke (aka know1, aka aeon gray) perform. Anyway, Luke was performing with Angle and DJ Wickedawesome (a friend of theirs). Man, it was the best soft focus show I've seen. I've only seen like 3 before then... read more

  • Michael is upset posted - 13 comments

    Haha, my life rules. I have no idea who this kid is. Name: michael Email: [email protected] Phone: Business: derek you are a peice of sh*t. you ruin cool things by making them corporate and lame. i hope you sleep well on a bed of money knowing that you sold-out the kids... read more

  • Duo'd posted

    w00t, I got my duo today.. It boots and everything works perfect. The next step is finding a mac that I can use to apple talk to it. otherwise, I could setup a linux box and figure out how to use apple talk through that. Harper found me a good site to help me with that, here... read more

  • Mini Segway posted - 8 comments

    Today, I built my own mini segway. It rules so much. Check out the pictures of the yellow guy riding it around my office. segway 1 - segway 2 - segway 3 - segway 4 read more