Blog archives

A collection of all the nonsense I've posted to the internet over the past 25 years of my blog life

  • My pockets rule. posted - 3 comments

    Yesterday I decided to get 2 new techie toys. The first of which being a Nextel phone (since U.S. Cellular was screwing me around). The second is the new Sony Cli? ?X70V... read more

  • Site Updates posted - 3 comments

    There are a few new things on this site. First of all, I removed the portfolio since it was getting so big. Most of you know about my new site, All of my portfolio information is now on that site. In addition, I added a couple new pictures to the pictures section, and 1 new picture to the cars section... read more

  • skate with an 8 posted - 5 comments

    Lately I've started to really get into skating... both skateboarding AND inline skating. it's sort of a weird combination since they generally hate each other, but they're really quite similar, and so much fun.Anyway, I've learned 3 tricks on my skateboard. The first trick is a manual, which is just "riding a wheelie" on your skateboard. I'vealso recently learned how to do a pop shove-it, which is a trick where you jump and spin the board around under your feet and land back on it... read more

  • College students posted - 17 comments

    As many of you know, I'm just starting my 4th and final year of college. Which has given me quite a good amount of time to draw some conclusions about the people here.First of all, I had a block off for an internship... so I started school a month later than everyone else. While my fellow classmates were going to class, writing papers, and taking hard exams, I was doing work that I loved, got some great experience, made a lot of money, got class credit, and expanded my resume.Since I've been back at school (nearly 2 weeks), I'm really starting to come to terms with the fact that 95% of college students are made up of sheer B.S. I mean, seriously, look at the social science majors... read more

  • Zach finally got cool posted - 1 comment

    My buddy, Zach Larson, finally got cooler and bought his own domain name. He's also learning some flash stuff, so that's awesome too. Check out his site at Remember, Zach has only been designing websites for a few months, so you're about to witness a very fast learner. Zach also does all his work in notepad already, BOMB! read more

  • At home for a bit... posted

    If you didn't already know, I'm at home for the month in order to do an internship. Since I'm not at school, and since my parents only have a modem and 1 phone line, you won't see me on the internet too much. However, I did just buy a new computer yesterday, BOMB! and I'll be doing a lot of filming for the DVD I'm making for So I'll be really busy... read more

  • Productions posted - 5 comments

    I decided to go with for my professional website. Check it out and tell me what you see wrong with it, and let me know if it looks ok so far. (i know that it doesnt work with netscape yet). read more

  • posted - 8 comments

    This is getting quite annoying, heh. I keep making my "professional sites" too personal. I originally bought to use as my professional website for freelance projects such as web design... it turned out to be a personal site, and then later became an extreme sports site. Soon after that, I created which was to be my personal/professional website... read more

  • Today posted - 6 comments

    So, today is my 21st birthday, which is cool, but it also sucks because I'm pretty sick. I've been sick for about a week... so I'm going to the doc today to get checked out. Later, kari is taking me out to eat in Iowa City, then I'll probably have to come home and go to bed since I feel so great....on a cooler note, my car is finished, check it out here. read more

  • Jones Soda posted - 3 comments

    My buddy, Josh Lueck, and I got a great picture this spring. It's of him standing on an old bridge that isn't in service anymore. Anyway, we think the picture may be good enough to make it on a Jones Soda bottle. So, please please please vote on it, and give it a high score! To vote on the picture, go here... read more

  • It's on posted - 2 comments

    Well, after hours of work by my dad and I, the kit is finally on... well most of it. We got the headlights, tail lights, and both bumpers on, but we couldn't get the side skirts. See the sideskirts will look best if we actually mold them into the car instead of just bolt them on, so I'm going to wait until I decide it's time to get the entire car repainted. I also put some new 6x9s in, finally... read more

  • And it all starts... posted - 1 comment

    Today I'm leaving work at 12:30 to go home and put all my new stuff on my car! It's going to be a ton of fun, but it's not going to be anything easy... I have to take my front and rear bumpers off, my sideskirts off, my headlights off, and tail lights off. Then I have to cut, mold, and fit a bunch of stuff in order to get my new kit on. I also have to put on the new headlights and tail lights... read more

  • A good day posted - 7 comments

    So far, so good anyway... I went to check my mail and I had 2 package slips. So I went to the campus mail center and got my 2 packages. The first was from a contest that I surprisingly won at, which included a new set of grindking trucks (which normally cost $50), Rims bearing gaurds, Rocketbolts hardware, a shirt, and some stickers! Me next package was from a company called Heelys... read more

  • My car has some serious legality issues posted - 3 comments

    I got pulled over again for the blue lights on my hood last night... that brings the tally up to 12. I also got pulled over a couple months ago for not having a front license plate and having my windows tinted too dark. I talked my way out of the license plate one, but he still ticketed me for the windows, and then tried to say I wasn't wearing my seatbelt, which as stupid, cause I always wear it.Sooo, I guess 2 tickets out of 12 stops isn't bad. And one wasn't even a moving violation. read more

  • Small CIA is Done! posted - 10 comments

    Small CIA is finally complete. The movie itself is about 10 minutes long and it's pretty flippin good considering we filmed the movie in 1 day, and I edited it in 3 sessions. There is also about 10 minutes of outtakes and funny stuff at the end. This includes a few "cky style" clips of my cousins riding their bikes into chain link fences, hah. I probably won't be able to put it online due to the length of the movie, but if you live around me, maybe you'll get a chance to see it... read more

  • Is that a Talon? posted - 15 comments

    I've started ordering parts for my car lately. First of all I ordered a new body kit, which will totally change the look of it. Both of my bumpers and the sides of the car will be different. The kit I ordered is called the blitz kit. You can see it on a red eclipse here and here... read more

  • Small CIA posted - 3 comments

    So, while I was watching my cousins, we decided to make a little movie. On my way to their house I stopped by American Appliances and picked up a Sony digital 8 camera. Later that night we wrote a storyline and script. Sunday we filmed the entire movie (and only got kicked out of a mall and a hospital). Actually we sorta got kicked out of the mall twice... read more

  • Summer! posted - 6 comments

    Alright, so I just took my last final of the year and my summer has officially started! For the next couple days I'll be packing, then I'm going to Des Moines to watch my cousins for a few days (and we might make a little action movie, hehe)... Then on June 4th I start working full time as the Cornell College Web Team Manager, and on the 5th I'll get started part time at Subway. In September I'll be doing a networking and database internship for Lujack's Auto Plaza, which is the largest privately owned dealership in the nation. And then I'll start classes again around October.At the begining of July I'll be at Cornerstone, which is a 4 day long punk/hardcore concert with hundreds of bands... read more

  • Employed! posted - 10 comments

    So I just got a job for the summer... finally. It turns out I'll be living in Mount Vernon for the summer and working on the Cornell Website. I've also probably got a job rebuilding a website for another company in the Quad Cities, and possibly a job at Subway (for a few extra bucks)? Who knows, but things are looking up for me. read more

  • Turbo's GT posted - 10 comments

    My buddy, Aaron, liked my Nova video so much that he wanted one of his own. Aaron drives a Mustang GT (so fast)... and we thought we could do a couple cool things in a video. The only problem was, I live about 2 hours from Aaron, and have no video of his car. But, something worked out...My other buddy, Zach, is also getting into video editing and had to make a "how to" video for a class he was in... read more