Nick is 26 posted

So the week of watching my cousins is finally over. I've learned that I will not be ready for kids in a long long time. I think I'll just stick with pets. At least the only thing that got broken was my basement handrail.

Saturday we had a party for Nick at my house where we tied lots of knots, played poker, hung out, etc. There wasnt as many people as I planned, but it was still fun. Kevi and Stacy drove up for the night. Nicole's brother and his friend came - cool guys. Cedric, Nehru, MH, Chuck, Nathan, and Jared also stopped by.

Besides that, Kevi decorated, Ninja slept, we hung teddy bears, and Nicole stayed sober. It was a low-key, fun night.

Sunday, Kevi and I decided to film Eternal Apprehension 2. It is so so gay - possibly gayer than part 1. Check it out.


  • And hearing William Hung sing "Can You Feel The Love Tonight?" is priceless.

    Kevi posted

  • Wow, that video is pretty gay.

    vanwinkle posted

  • Nick is tying the knot!! Congrats!

    Elmo posted

  • video was lamo compaired to the first. Lame-O!

    Jordan posted

  • I look HOT in that sober pic.

    Nicole posted