January 11, 2009

I posted 1 photo album, took 3 photos, and wrote 10 microblogs. I was in Des Moines.

hy-vee for pizza!
kari is a wreck, haha.
i had a really good time tonight. sushi, girl talk, diverse, pizza, and kari saying "i'm drunk" about 314 times. 1 comment
Girl Talk at People's, Des Moines
Pics up from Girl Talk: derek.broox.com/phot...moines
turns out that kari and i's bodies handled our 7 drinks from last night totally differently. going to get kari a deli sandwich... ;) 1 comment
sundays have been really good programming days for me lately. fun, fun.
5 hours later, kari finishes her deli sandwich and im making myself indian food for dinner. 3 comments
whoa, i better get ready for broomball.
so i scored a crap goal to beat the ball hawgs tonight, haha. driving home with the sunroof down, sweatin balls.
i want a crumpler camera bag. 1 comment

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