January 17, 2012

I slept 7.4 hours, checked in to 6 places, took 1 photo, wrote 3 microblogs, walked 5.3 miles, and weighed 179.8 pounds. I was in Chicago.

went to bed
fell asleep
woke up after sleeping 7.4 hours
"Sleeping like shit" is my middle name. 3 comments
Ahhh, what a lovely windy, gray, drizzly Chicago morning. 1 comment
checked in at Obama 2012 Campaign HQ, Chicago, Illinois
checked in at Millennium Wellness Group, Chicago, Illinois
Whew. That massage lady just went to straight up battle with my back muscles. So awesome. 4 comments
checked in at Obama 2012 Campaign HQ, Chicago, Illinois
checked in at Bangers & Lace, Chicago, Illinois
checked in at La Pasadita, Chicago, Illinois
checked in at Club Foot, Chicago, Illinois

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