November 19, 2008

I wrote 11 microblogs. I was in Ankeny.

i was planning on jumping outta bed early to oil my desk, but my body is refusing to get out of bed. 2 comments
@aaronmkrueger haha. got a new "butcher block" desk for my office. i wanted to put a coat of tung oil on it before i start using it.
just got saved from eating subway. meetin bob, kristin, and michael at jimmy's
@toeb1 and @right65 i am up for a drunk tonight
aww crap. i meant drink, not drunk. 3 comments
@harper their really workin you over they're... you know, if you missed there themes.
packin up and storing my turntable. kinda sad. someone buy me some technics - oh and a rane mixer.
BW3 with diverse, nathan, and tobbie
just put my recycling out, but no one else on my block has, hmmm. i hope theyre the ones that are wrong
no shit. i just farted and my dog barked at the front door.
@tannersoap this is where your life BEGINS!!!! 2 comments

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