December 14, 2014

I slept 6.7 hours, checked in to 6 places, took 5 photos, wrote 4 microblogs, walked 3.8 miles, and weighed 180.4 pounds. I was in Ankeny and Des Moines.

This is the first party I've ever had at my house where going to stix was not an option.
Hey @ericwareheim, did you have any part in RuPaul's, peanut butter video?
According to fitbit, i walked 96 flights of stairs hosting that party today... Three story lyfe.
went to bed
fell asleep
woke up after sleeping 6.7 hours
Kari Brooks knows how to host a party.
checked in at The Royal Mile, Des Moines, Iowa
checked in at RAYGUN, Des Moines, Iowa
checked in at The Home Depot, Ankeny, Iowa
checked in at The Broox Household, Ankeny, Iowa
checked in at Papa John's Pizza, Ankeny, Iowa
checked in at The Broox Household, Ankeny, Iowa

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