December 9, 2015

I checked in to 10 places, took 2 photos, wrote 3 microblogs, and walked 4.7 miles. I was in Chicago.

checked in at Dunkin Donuts, Chicago, Illinois
checked in at Braintree, Chicago, Illinois
The best part about catered lunch as a job perk is really just not having to decide wtf to eat 1 comment
checked in at Levi's, Chicago, Illinois
checked in at Mildblend, Chicago, Illinois
checked in at Belmont Army, Chicago, Illinois
checked in at Iridium, Chicago, Illinois
checked in at En Hakkore, Chicago, Illinois
I apparently look super Jewish 3 comments
checked in at CTA - Damen, Chicago, Illinois
checked in at Hotel Allegro, Chicago, Illinois
@abrudtkuhl you're the second person I've heard say that this week
checked in at The Office (at The Aviary), Chicago, Illinois

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