February 27, 2012

I slept 8.3 hours, checked in to 3 places, took 1 photo, wrote 4 microblogs, walked 4.3 miles, and weighed 181.4 pounds. I was in Chicago.

woke up after sleeping 8.3 hours
My hair is now long enough that I have to pull it out of my collar after putting on shirts. Whoa. 1 comment
checked in at Obama 2012 Campaign HQ, Chicago, Illinois
DOGS!!! omfgdogs.com 2 comments
checked in at Tank Noodle, Chicago, Illinois
Finally got to try out Tank Noodle with @harper and @blaine! It was very tasty and a lot like the pho @ibcheerful taught us how to make. 4 comments
checked in at 913 N Hermitage Ave, Chicago, Illinois
@lucky33 @bangersandlace dammit! i missed out... also, would you like to go back for another 6? 2 comments

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