March 7, 2014

I slept 7.6 hours, checked in to 8 places, took 5 photos, wrote 7 microblogs, and walked 2.6 miles. I was in Chicago, Sugar Grove, Dixon, Ankeny, and Downers Grove.

@harper proud to know that I'm still part of that ish. ;) 1 comment
fell asleep
woke up after sleeping 7.6 hours
checked in at Dunkin' Donuts, Chicago, Illinois
checked in at Walgreens, Chicago, Illinois
checked in at Lunar Technology Corporation, Chicago, Illinois
Sneezed and pinched a nerve in my neck. I am a 90 year old. 12 comments
checked in at Oasis Cafe, Chicago, Illinois
checked in at Millennium Wellness Group, Chicago, Illinois
I love Jennifer Beverlin!!! 1 comment
checked in at Lunar Technology Corporation, Chicago, Illinois
Things that aggravate pinched nerves: bumps... This cab ride on Chicago winter streets is going great!
Working with the @wearemodest crew this week was rad. Heading back to Des Moines for the weekend. Chicago Sunday. Caribbean Monday. 3 comments
Nerd bombing my way home! 7 comments
checked in at Road Ranger, Dixon, Illinois
5 hours of driving on shitty winter interstates with a tight suspension and a gnarly pinched nerve = hell. Excruciating hell. 1 comment
checked in at The Broox Household, Ankeny, Iowa
went to bed
fell asleep

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