June 24, 2011

I checked in to 6 places, took 3 photos, and wrote 5 microblogs. I was in Ankeny, Cumming, and Des Moines.

i feel like i know a certain @nicoleK that would enjoy a cocktail made with this: www.uvvodka.com/ 4 comments
@ibcheerful nice!
Accidentally put low octane fuel in my truck... temporarily removing my tune. :( www.flickr.com/photo...92419/ 1 comment
checked in at Cumming Tap, Cumming, Iowa
Cumming with Kari, Jeff, and Proctor www.flickr.com/photo...05199/
checked in at Orlondo's On Park, Des Moines, Iowa
checked in at Los Laureles, Des Moines, Iowa
checked in at The Broox Household, Ankeny, Iowa
Watching the old cky videos.

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