June 8, 2012

I slept 6.7 hours, checked in to 5 places, took 1 photo, wrote 2 microblogs, walked 5.0 miles, and weighed 182.0 pounds. I was in Chicago.

went to bed
checked in at 913 N Hermitage Ave, Chicago, Illinois
fell asleep
woke up after sleeping 6.7 hours
Whew. We really treated that Thursday like a Friday.
checked in at Obama 2012 Campaign HQ, Chicago, Illinois
checked in at 913 N Hermitage Ave, Chicago, Illinois
@benagarr no
checked in at Branch 27, Chicago, Illinois
checked in at 913 N Hermitage Ave, Chicago, Illinois
went to bed
fell asleep

Fatal error: Call to a member function fetch_object() on boolean in /app/includes/db.php on line 136