July 14, 2012

I slept 6.8 hours, checked in to 7 places, took 31 photos, wrote 6 microblogs, walked 6.9 miles, and weighed 179.9 pounds. I was in Chicago and Elwood.

I mean, seriously. Please take care of yourselves. 3 comments
Living 300 miles away from my wife is especially lame during times like these. 10 comments
went to bed
fell asleep
woke up after sleeping 6.8 hours
I want some gluten in my mouth! 3 comments
Weirdest thing that's happened so far today: I found an entire Sarpino's pizza in a closet in my house. Hahaha. Ew! 4 comments
checked in at Jon and Liz's, Chicago, Illinois
checked in at Walgreens, Chicago, Illinois
checked in at Autobahn Country Club, Elwood, Illinois
Hanging out at autobahn with Jon and Liz for a track day. I want a car really bad.
checked in at Lillie's Q, Chicago, Illinois
Lizzie's Q > Smoke Daddy www.flickr.com/photo...17444/ 2 comments
checked in at Quimby's, Chicago, Illinois
checked in at Saint Alfred, Chicago, Illinois
checked in at 913 N Hermitage Ave, Chicago, Illinois

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