July 17, 2008

I wrote 1 blog and wrote 9 microblogs. I was in Des Moines.

The difference between Kari and Nathan
The difference between Kari and Nathan derek.broox.com/the-...athan/
i think we should start a programmer/coder group in des moines. start with an irc channel. i wonder if any #dmtweetup peeps are interested. 2 comments
@Jensenrf what should we call it? 1 comment
@Jensenrf that's a good article, but i dunno about that name. i posted my 2 pennies in the comments. this is a good start!
There is nothing worse than an interstate full of pussies 1 comment
Attempting to cut my own hair. I may end up with a shaved head.
Just straight mohawked my hair. Meetin friends at ban thai for mindy's birthday
Wow ban thai is really good. And hot means hot. I'm straight sweating and my face is burning off.

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