August 25, 2008

I took 2 photos and wrote 10 microblogs. I was in Sutliff and West des Moines.

Getting out of bed is the hardest part.
I love the presets 3 comments
i hate waiting for ebay sellers to return answers. it takes all the impulse out of auctions.
you know how slipknot sometimes sings instead of screams? i have a hard time picturing dudes with masks singing nicely.
Just ordered some PSB Alpha B1 speakers for my home office. Birthday Money Rules!
Heading to the web meetup with keith... After sucking horribly at getting to his house.
(Autoreply) Just ordered some PSB Alpha B1 speakers for my home office. Birthday Money Rules!
@harper shiiiiiiit. fix that. or maybe remove me for now
raccoon river with my pioneer peeps 1 comment
(Autoreply) raccoon river with my pioneer peeps 1 comment

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