August 3, 2007

I checked in to 1 place, took 85 photos, and wrote 12 microblogs. I was in Chicago.

Just hung out with flosstradumus for a bit and had know idea.
Just got busted by a body gaurd for takin pics cause ashley simpson is 2 feet from me
Time to rest for lollapalooza
Grabbing some jimmy johns then heading to lollapalooza
checked in at Grant Park, Chicago, Illinois
W00t, got my big cam into lollapalooza! Heading to the ghostland show
Heading to MIA at bud light 1 comment
At the rapture. Maybe heading to blonde redhead in a minute
Relaxing after blonde redhead. Maybe going to black keys in a minute...
Lcd soundsystem and daft punk...
Omg. There is not much else that daft punk could possibly make these lights do. 2 comments
Heading back to the hotel for a shower.... then figuring out dinner, etc.
Ok... dinner, then shower. Giordanos for pizza. 1 comment

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