August 31, 2008

I wrote 1 blog and wrote 14 microblogs. I was in Ankeny.

stix now stat asap
peope watching themselves dance in mirrors is the most hilariouis thing ever. ...and my farts too.
walkin home from stix solo
whoa boy. just ask pete, theyre his sakes. and ive got a 16 penny nail in my pocket.
hooking my mom up with some workout music for her ipod
my mom doesnt like fluffmaster
trying to figure out what to do today. i think i'll start by cleaning up the back yard.
Twenty Seven Years Young
Twenty Seven Years Young
goin to becky and jim's. a party that's not at our house? ftw!
this party has kids at it! trying to figure out what to do next... 2 comments
cab for a tini
rico, nick, nathan, kari and i at the cab. hilarious conversations. i cant wait for all their phones to vibrate from this tweet.
i wish someone wood take off my shirt and socks
ive got a wouldy

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