Hmm, which awesome/ghetto phone do I use today? Dented jailbroken iPhone, or cracked screen G1?

Hmm, which awesome/ghetto phone do I use today? Dented jailbroken iPhone, or cracked screen G1?

Hmm, which awesome/ghetto phone do I use today? Dented jailbroken iPhone, or cracked screen G1? (full size)


tagged Tech

This photo is part of the Tech album and was taken in Ankeny, Iowa with a Canon EOS Digital Rebel XSi.

It's also on Flickr.

Photo Map


  • this is why you can't have nice things

    keith posted

  • I would feel sorry for you if you had actually paid for either of them. Instead, you're still a bastard.

    Cedric posted

  • so true. at least the iphone came that way. the g1 is 100% my fault. first screen i've ever cracked.

    derek posted