This should be much more productive...

This should be much more productive...

This should be much more productive... (full size)


tagged Tech

This photo is part of the BrooxMobile album and was taken in Ankeny, Iowa with a LG Google Nexus 4.

It's also on Flickr and Facebook.

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  • That assortment of Tech Decks just screams "productivity"

    Cedric Collins posted

  • I like the cooling fan to the right.

    Brandon Weber posted

  • Stand-up?

    Stephen E Rosenshein posted

  • I'm all about the dual keyboard action

    Ryan Resella posted

  • its triple key board action-- more keyboards than you have hands, Im guessing! it looks nice tho!

    Shari Dana Goggin-Ward posted

  • Brandon: you can get that fan on amazon. search for thermaltake mobile. it's not crazy strong, but provides just enough air movement to be comfortable.
    Stephen: definitely stand-up.
    Ryan: that wired one hooks to the mac-mini media server mounted under the desk.

    Derek Brooks posted

  • Which keyboard operates the brass truck-nuts?

    Cedric Collins posted

  • Seriously, though, this almost makes me want to clean off my desk.

    Cedric Collins posted

  • Derek - Thanks, ordered one. Love the CPU cooler look to it.

    Brandon Weber posted

  • come on, Cedric. those are not brass truck-nuts... they're "chrome biker ball'z" hahaha... also on amazon.

    Derek Brooks posted

  • Ha, the first thing I thought when I saw this picture was, "Derek must be able to do mad tech deck tricks after 10 years of playing with them!"

    Chad Kraus posted

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