Replacement AIAIAI TMA-1s. Amazing customer service is amazing.

Replacement AIAIAI TMA-1s. Amazing customer service is amazing.

Replacement AIAIAI TMA-1s. Amazing customer service is amazing. (full size)


tagged Tech

This photo is part of the BrooxMobile album and was taken in Ankeny, Iowa with a LG Google Nexus 4.

It's also on Flickr and Facebook.

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  • I was just looking at Young Guru's version of the TMA-1 but he said he modified his to give pure sound, no increased bass or anything. How's the regular version for hip hop and regular listening?

    Alexander Grgurich posted

  • solid. i love em... though if i had it to do again, i'd probably go for the fool's gold edition. love those yellow cables with the mic.

    Derek Brooks posted

  • Nice, I'll have to pick up a pair. Left my aJays earbuds on a flight and have been needing some headphones lately. Glad I saw your post!

    Alexander Grgurich posted

  • also, after having them for over 7 months, i had a slight problem with the finish on the headband... so, i sent them an email about it and had a brand new pair on my doorstep in a week. that kind of stuff goes a long way in my book. excellent company.

    Derek Brooks posted

  • Huh. Jesse's totally came apart, and their response was "try some superglue?" Still love mine, but you must have some amazing customer service mojo.

    Brady Kriss posted

  • interesting. all i did was email and basically say, "hey this doesn't seem right" and they were super cool about it. did his band break? apparently they had some issues with some of the bands that were manufactured in early 2012 and are actively replacing those for everyone.

    Derek Brooks posted

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