Traded in a Glenfiddich tube full of change for an Apple tube full of wifi.

Traded in a Glenfiddich tube full of change for an Apple tube full of wifi.

Traded in a Glenfiddich tube full of change for an Apple tube full of wifi. (full size)


tagged Tech

This photo is part of the BrooxMobile album and was taken in Ankeny, Iowa with a LG Nexus 5.

It's also on Flickr and Facebook.

Photo Map
I've got 3 photos from this spot

facebook comments

  • Jealous

    Rico Larson posted

  • Beamforming just sounds so magical.

    Brad Dwyer posted

  • The whole DFS 5ghz thing is even more magical/confusing if you have devices that don't support it.

    Derek Brooks posted

  • This couples with the new iPads and 5s well.

    Dick Ford posted

  • Now you just need a new bottle of Glenfiddich.

    Andrew Bradley Davis posted

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