Nerd bombing my way home!

Nerd bombing my way home!

Nerd bombing my way home! (full size)


tagged Driving

This photo is part of the BrooxMobile album and was taken in Sugar Grove, Illinois with a LG Nexus 5.

It's also on Flickr and Facebook.

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facebook comments

  • Oh wow haha

    Danyelle Crowell III posted

  • Not being up on technology, what is the red thing attached to your glasses?

    Vicki Brooks Terronez posted

  • watch out for cops

    Jon Thompson posted

  • Always

    Derek Brooks posted

  • Vicki it's called Google Glass. It's an experimental wearable mobile device with a little screen that sits in your peripheral vision.

    Derek Brooks posted

  • so you're on the internet while you're driving? That doesn't sound safe at all.

    Vicki Brooks Terronez posted

  • It was actually turned off.

    Derek Brooks posted

  • but still looks cool, like you suddenly arrived in the 80's...

    Emma Kei posted

  • More like being a hip dude

    Zak Daczyk posted

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