I really need to play with these more.

I really need to play with these more.

I really need to play with these more. (full size)


tagged Tech

This photo is part of the BrooxMobile album and was taken in Ankeny, Iowa with a LG Nexus 5.

It's also on Flickr and Facebook.

Photo Map
I've got 2 photos from this spot

facebook comments

  • Better yet, let me !!

    Isaiah McGee posted

  • We need a session next time I'm in dsm

    Denton DjDent Ward posted

  • I have stacks of them
    In orig covers. ( one benefit of getting old)

    Dave Boyd posted

  • U got a real mixer too?!? I'll def come down the street for some sessioning in a few weeks when I'm back!

    Dustin Diverse Iverson posted

  • Dustin, it's an old 707 germ had laying around... i just hooked it up to test it out. it's missing the left channel fader (workable), all the fader knobs are gone (had to borrow that crossfader knob from my old mixer... it sorta fits), and the right fader super cuts out if not positioned just right, hahaha... it's definitely in need of some TLC, a thorough cleaning and a few parts.

    Derek Brooks posted

  • Oh dear! Well get on it then Deidrek! So it's ready in a couple weeks!

    Dustin Diverse Iverson posted

  • i can probably get the faders nice and clean... but i'm not sure the unit is worth dropping $100 on a new channel mixer.

    Derek Brooks posted

  • Where would a set up with turn table, amp, duel tape decks & speakers fit? One channel of output is dead but otherwise, when last tried, all worked

    Dave Boyd posted

  • Teach me how to spin!

    Eric Leeper posted

  • I need to teach myself first, Eric.

    Derek Brooks posted

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