Repairing the $40 glitter case for her 1 week old gold iPhone 6 that just met the pavement...

Repairing the $40 glitter case for her 1 week old gold iPhone 6 that just met the pavement...

Repairing the $40 glitter case for her 1 week old gold iPhone 6 that just met the pavement... (full size)


tagged Tech

This photo is part of the BrooxMobile album and was taken in Ankeny, Iowa with a LG Nexus 5.

It's also on Flickr and Facebook.

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  • Prob'ly shudda sprung for the $45 one

    Dave Boyd posted

  • That's y I never buy plastic ones I just get a gell case and call it good

    Keith Kerschieter posted

  • If Gorilla glue is good enough for a Terry Swails rain gauge, then it's good enough for that thing.

    Jessica Feinman posted

  • Ouch

    Rico Larson posted

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