The mail arrived just in time for me to build a little video game emulator over lunch today. I do...

The mail arrived just in time for me to build a little video game emulator over lunch today. I do...

The mail arrived just in time for me to build a little video game emulator over lunch today. I don't need no stinking Nintendo Classic. (full size)


tagged Tech

This photo is part of the BrooxMobile album and was taken in Des Moines, Iowa with a Google Pixel.

It's also on Flickr and Facebook.

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  • Go ahead and put me on the list for the next one

    Chris Coffey posted

  • Raspberry pi?

    Ladnar Vanz posted

  • I have that same controller. 8bitdo is a sick company.

    A.J. Sammartino posted

  • Are you really doing this? If so I want one.

    Keith Neer posted

  • Shut up and take my money! I want one

    Ray Terhune posted

  • Nice, I did the same thing

    Bret DeLuca Campion posted

  • RetroPi!

    Joseph Jersey Ricca posted

  • I read some of your posts and think...damn Brooks is smart!

    Jennifer Davis posted

  • Christmas gift idea for me and Chris? .....I mean the kids?? :-p

    Bre'anna Brooks Emmitt posted

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