158 photos taken at 41.559088, -93.654167 in Des Moines, Iowa

  • Photos of me everywhere
  • Birthday stuff
  • Patio hangin
  • Shit talkin
  • Hangin on the deck
  • Deck stuff
  • Cornell Boys
  • Votin Kevin off
  • Back yard shit talkin
  • Camera boy
  • Deck stuff
  • Hey
  • Secret or announcement?
  • It's a deck party
  • Hangin on the deck
  • Not Derek stuff
  • Croc gang
  • Megan and Abby
  • Red n Rik
  • Side yard hangin
  • Instax
  • Hangin in the side yard
  • Jeffs
  • Havin a gay old time
  • 40
  • Ben!
  • Gravitate folks
  • Talkin big shit
  • 40th-birthday-party-41503
  • Gabe and Kari
  • Probably tik toking
  • Tia and Craig
  • Me and Craig
  • Bearded girls
  • Death girls
  • Jolene and Christina
  • Vance art
  • Random photos of me
  • Talkin shit in the basement
  • Basement stuff
  • Some rad girls
  • Party circle