61 photos taken at 44.313195, -94.458459 in New Ulm, Minnesota

  • At Hammer
  • At Hammer
  • At Hammer
  • At Hammer
  • Me and Josh
  • B&L Bar
  • Chuck dancing with some chick
  • At Hammer
  • Nick and Rico
  • Bottle of beer, upside down in your back pocket 3 comments
  • Tobbie, Josh, and Nick 1 comment
  • Backrub line 5 comments
  • Chuck
  • My ex-gf, Cassi 3 comments
  • Pickled Turkey Gizzards
  • Pickled Turkey Gizzards
  • Pickled Turkey Gizzards
  • Josh's tucked in Undie Dance 1 comment
  • That one dude from 06 and 07