BWCA 2009

  • At our first camp site
  • Makin Dinner
  • An island outside of our camp site on South Arm Knife Lake
  • Dinner
  • Beef Stroganoff and Corn
  • The Island reflection outside of our camp site
  • Outside of our campsite
  • Hangin out outside our campsite
  • Reflection outside of our campsite
  • Cal makin breakfast
  • A little rock stack I made 1 comment
  • 5 minutes of silence
  • Looking out from Thunder Point
  • Lunch on top of Thunder Point
  • Josh's Peanut Butter, Onion, Egg, Honey Mustard, Tabasco Sandiwch
  • Our group on Thunder Point
  • Josh fishing with a Spiderman fishing pole
  • Canoeing Knife Lake
  • Me and Will
  • The swimming hole at the 2nd campsite we found
  • Swimming at the 2nd campsite
  • Josh showing us how to gunnel pump a canoe
  • Chris diving in
  • Chris gunnel pumping
  • Will with the Spiderman pole
  • The little fish Will caught
  • Our 2nd campsite
  • This is a latrine. I pooped in it.
  • The view from where i pooped
  • Cal taking a nap
  • Josh and Scott napping in hammocks
  • A crazy spider
  • Some wild blueberries I picked
  • Another crazy spider
  • Cookin dinner
  • Cutting some firewood
  • Hanging out at the campsite
  • Lasagna and Minestrone 1 comment
  • Sunset across Knife Lake
  • Sunset across Knife Lake

Photos from my first trip to the boundary waters

More info in this blog: Boundary Waters 2009

Photos taken in August, 2009 in Ontario and Minnesota

Album added 14 years ago (Aug 17, 2009).