668 photos taken in Florida

  • I have no idea what it is, but it's awesome.  Inside a Chipotle bathroom. 3 comments
  • The After Party
  • Kari and Mary
  • Our Candles
  • Mr and Mrs Kevi
  • Candles
  • Amy and Kevi's Aunt 2 comments
  • Let's Moonwalk! 2 comments
  • Kevi's Aunt
  • Kari 2 comments
  • Amy 3 comments
  • Chair Dancing
  • Nehru and the photographers
  • Dancing
  • Dancing
  • Signing the Guestbook 2 comments
  • Congrats DWOG
  • Kari 1 comment
  • Zach's Drinks
  • Kevi
  • Karisa and Nehru
  • I forgot my grill
  • Derek!
  • Patron Plat
  • Patron Platinum!!! 1 comment
  • Trying to ruin a pregnancy
  • Toast
  • Champagne
  • Patron Platinum!
  • Patron Plat!!!! 2 comments
  • Mr and Mrs Kevi
  • Kiss the Bride
  • Velveteen Rabbit 3 comments
  • Marrying Kevi and Julie
  • "Dude, it's 100 degrees out here" 2 comments
  • Julie and her dad
  • Julie's Dad and Her
  • Kevi's Wedding
  • Me and Amanda
  • Zach, Cristina, and Ella Grace
  • In the green room
  • In the green room