170 photos taken in Georgia

  • Havin a good ol time
  • Savannah alleyways
  • Jeff n Kevi
  • Chillin with the dudes
  • Jeff and me
  • Jeff and Nathan
  • Jeff and Kevi
  • Jeff n Josh
  • Georgia Queen
  • Freight liners and river boats
  • Havin a good time by this river
  • Jeff's first order of business: Wet Willies
  • Kevi arrives!
  • Crackin the first Yuenglings
  • Hangin with Bre'anna and the kids before we head North
  • Look at this wild bug
  • Almost walked right over this cottonmouth
  • Snackin on some frosting
  • Takin David for a drive
  • Green egg + cast iron steaks
  • Grillin up some of prosciutto asparagus
  • Durby liked cuddling with the kids
  • Micah and Cowgirl
  • Hangin out and teaching David about military time
  • Cowgirl holding her ground against Durby
  • Durby trying to hang with Cowboy
  • Loungin dude!
  • Micah really liked Durby
  • Floatin girls
  • Enjoying this new pool
  • Giving the neighbor's horse some snacks
  • Grillin up some Conecuh sausages. So good.
  • Get in, Durby!
  • Big ol katydid 1 comment
  • Hangin with durby
  • Tuggin with Durby
  • Hangin in Bre'anna's beautiful new pool
  • Bre'anna takes the inaugural jump into the new pool
  • Poolside chillin
  • Playin in the hot tub while waiting to be able to jump into the new pool
  • Arrived at Bre'anna's place!
  • Can't stop, won't stop