4,886 photos taken in Cook County County, Illinois

  • Checked into the hotel and grabbing a Pisco cocktail at Boleo
  • Headin back to Iowa
  • Back in the U.S. 1 comment
  • And after the cheeses and wines they came around with a cart and freshly made-to-order ice cream ...
  • After dinner they served some cheeses and grapes with port.
  • Japanese sampler course 2.
  • For dinner I had a Japanese sampler while I watched the Lego movie. This was course 1.
  • Chillin in the O'hare Polaris Lounge
  • Brekkie in the O'hare Polaris Lounge
  • Harper got me upgraded to business class from O'Hare to Tokyo which got me into the Polaris loung...
  • O'Hare
  • Grillin with Harper and Hiromi
  • Boston Ivy on a metal fence. Gonna try to do this to our chain link fence out back.
  • Post game pizzas
  • Some mascots
  • Bar Deville
  • We had some pretty rad seats
  • Blackhawks vs Wild
  • Crease stuff
  • Some commotion at the crease
  • Ice shovelin flying V
  • Chicago Dogs
  • When all was said and done, we could've used one more...
  • Some rad visualizations
  • Watchin the Blackhawks
  • Projecting on the ice
  • Kari got us Blackhawks tickets for Christmas 4 comments
  • Hockey time
  • First Blackhawks game
  • "Welcome back!" - Eric
  • Doggies, please. 4 comments
  • The afterparty 1 comment
  • Trammell has had better times than this
  • An inspired crowd
  • The man
  • Speakin
  • Listening to the president speak. Photo by Harper.
  • The crowd
  • Kari. Photo by Harper.
  • Walking to the speech
  • Reservoir Dogs
  • Look at these dudes marchin in 2 comments