4,886 photos taken in Cook County County, Illinois

  • Top of the NBC building with Zach's telephoto
  • Some Family
  • Chicago's First Lady
  • Harper and his ridiculous laptop sticker 1 comment
  • From our hotel room
  • Trump Tower
  • Marina Towers 1 comment
  • Chicago Tribune with Zach's fancy telephoto lens
  • This is a really dangerous intersection
  • Outside our hotel window
  • River/City view from our hotel room
  • Family at Joyce's Place
  • I want those skeleton dudes.  Especially the cigar/dog one.
  • Not Sober at Flash Taco
  • At Flat Iron
  • Art at Flat Iron
  • Weird Hand/Face Art at Flat Iron
  • Nude Art at Flat Iron 1 comment
  • Hanging out in doorways while it rains
  • I wonder what his yard used to look like.
  • Greg, Tag, and Jon at Dark Room
  • Manuel, Tag, and I at Dark Room
  • Jojo. I mean, Yoyo. I mean Tag
  • Jon and Manuel
  • Waitress Station. Do Not Order Drinks Here!
  • Tree on a Yellow Sky 2 comments
  • Jon's RX7
  • Popping the hood
  • It's chit!
  • Smokin Cigars on Jon's Patio
  • This wasn't what I was going for, but I like it anyway
  • Too late, I'm already in!
  • Glass of Port
  • Deciding on desert.
  • Teresa got a martini!
  • Elizabeth and Jon
  • Dinner at The Chicago Firehouse
  • Me and Kari
  • James and Joyce
  • Teresa and Jeff
  • Manuel, Daniel, and James
  • At The Chicago Firehouse