296 photos taken in Cedar Rapids, Iowa

  • The trees are changin
  • The Pal
  • Me and Kari
  • I love this woman
  • Hikin
  • Palisades hiking
  • I came to cedar rapids to watch startup pitches, but just hung with Lindsey instead
  • Cedar Rapids
  • Cedar Rapids 4 comments
  • ISA launch day
  • Bathroom supplies
  • The Iowa department of transportation has just been killing it lately! 1 comment
  • Tastes 2 comments
  • Tryin the Lion Bridge beers with Kari
  • Look at these girls
  • Gettin riled up at Books
  • R.G. Books
  • Oops. That flash is a little brutal
  • 50mm problems
  • Teresa joins us at R.G. Books 1 comment
  • R.G. Books
  • At Books
  • R.G. Books
  • Mad guy. Christmas tree. 2 comments
  • RG Books
  • RG Books
  • RG Books!
  • I stood there forever, but no one ever came to wash my hands. 1 comment
  • Family at Books
  • Being ridiculous at RG Books
  • Hanging out at RG Books 1 comment
  • "Air Quotes"
  • RG Books with Lindsey
  • HOLY SHIT 5 comments
  • Andy getting lectured about disappearing
  • Disappearing Andy
  • With much love and inspiration.
  • I'm not sure Kari approves of Bookshelf Zach's poem
  • Bookshelf Kari!
  • Kari is not impressed with Bookshelf Zach's castles
  • Hanging out with Bookshelf Zach
  • A gift from Bookshelf Zach