296 photos taken in Cedar Rapids, Iowa

  • Daylon
  • Aaron busting a heelflip 2 comments
  • Bryndon showing off some scooter tricks 2 comments
  • Zach with a makio
  • This grind hurt - I fell and hurt my knee so bad the week before 1 comment
  • Zach signing posters for the kids
  • Signing posters for the kids
  • Bryndon with a backslide at the Cedar Rapids skatepark 1 comment
  • Aaron and Bryndon 2 comments
  • Kevi, Julian, Zach, and Jake
  • This was the only grind that didn't hurt my knee
  • The Soap Van
  • Heading Home 1 comment
  • Girlies, Dancing
  • He's a Cutie
  • Kari getting a tambourine played on her butt
  • Drea found the tambourine
  • Kari and Ricky
  • Waitress busting up my mad balancing skills 1 comment
  • Megan and Kari
  • Pat and Lauren 1 comment
  • kids
  • Kari and Drea
  • @ Piano Lounge
  • @ Piano Lounge
  • Usually RG Bookies is a pretty chill place, but when you're the manager - i suppose you can dance...
  • Wondering why he shot his patron.  I like to sip it
  • patron
  • tanq 10. up. bleu cheese olives.
  • Jeff at RG Bookies
  • Manuel at RG Bookies
  • Kevi at Stamats
  • Outside Vino's
  • Outside Vino's
  • Cory and Jenny
  • Grandma and Grandpa
  • Dale, Myrna, Esther
  • Edible Art
  • Christina again
  • Kevin's girl, Christina Aguilera
  • Kevns Mijos
  • Kevin walking down hall