8,490 photos taken in Des Moines, Iowa

  • The freight train
  • Hookah
  • Hookah
  • 2 batches.
  • Lightin that tobacco
  • Liquid malt time
  • Gettin the hookah goin
  • Chimay
  • Lou Malnati's and Brewin
  • All grain stuff
  • Ready to sparge
  • Stirrin the pot
  • My Amazing Jeckle Brothers album came with 2 record 2s... Kewl.
  • Record store day. Loved this album back in the day... Unfortunately, it came with 2 record 2s and...
  • Post Thanksgiving Brewing
  • Kari made walleye called out of the fish we caught in Canada
  • Shoe cubbies going in
  • Feelin pretty good about getting these into place
  • Lockers lifted
  • I used fulcrums and jack stands to raise the lockers up for the shoe cubbies to slide underneath
  • Lockers: in!
  • Starting to angle the lockers up
  • Trying to angle the lockers up into place was pretty tricky
  • Starting to slide the antique lockers in to the alcove
  • Removing the corner bead to slide the antique lockers in... the fit was that tight.
  • Bottom pieces painted up
  • Slight dusting
  • One more dry-fit to mark and drill dowel holes to keep the dividers in place
  • Pulling up the old, nasty tile.
  • Primin...
  • Hungry folks
  • Black sheep
  • Fancy dude spinning times after a rough day
  • Fancy man
  • Little holiday dinner
  • East Village stuff
  • Champagne luge
  • East Village Promenade
  • Dog food came
  • Time for a selfie
  • Such a good show
  • Pusha