95 photos taken in Moab, Utah

  • Talkin shit with Chris
  • Hit the steps 1-wheel at a time for comfort
  • Crawlin man
  • Down the steps and ramps
  • Lettin the UTVs come through
  • When you run your tires under-inflated full time
  • Broncos on the trail
  • Group run moves on after lunch
  • Lunch break
  • UTV stuff
  • A little tippy
  • Controlled roll
  • Goin down
  • Rolling hills along the mesas
  • Off-Roadeo stickers
  • You can disconnect the sway bar under load on the Bronco
  • My Minnesota buddy stretchin it out
  • Hangin above the Colorado River
  • kbroox
  • Kari didn't plan on off-roading with me that day and only had comfy grunge clothes, hah
  • Enjoying Moab
  • Checkin out the scenery
  • Lookin out over the Colorado river
  • Climbin
  • Really enjoying myself
  • Slammin that back tire into the fender
  • Wheeling in Moab is pretty incredible
  • I've got this, Chris
  • Pickin a line
  • Chatting about obstalces and planning a route up this trail
  • Tyler spotting his crew up some obstacles
  • Dome Plateau scenery
  • Pitchin and rollin
  • 26º pitch
  • Hittin the Dome Plateau trail
  • Goin over some off-roading guidelines near the Dewey Bridge
  • Caravan to the trail
  • Gettin ready to head out
  • Chris talks about off-roading the Bronco
  • Tyler walks us through some Bronco history
  • Registered and waiting for the off-roadeo to start
  • Walkin up to the Moab Bronco Off-Roadeo building